gaither_kritzer_house_concert_042013-FINALI’m sharing a house concert with Steve Kritzer – one of my favorite musicians and now a frequent co-writer – on Saturday, April 20th in San Martin. Call 408-686-0374 for details. Here’s info on the show, as well as the audio from a recent appearance on KPIG Radio’s live music show “Please Stand By”. I was on the show to promote the house concert.

Click to hear the KPIG interview (time = 19:49)

kpig_windowI met songwriter Steve Kritzer several years back, either through Ginny Mitchell (at a winery gig I hosted) or the late Chuck McCabe. (I adore both Ginny and Chuck, but Chuck was a linchpin who seemingly connected everyone, so I’ll just say it was him.) Steve’s part of the BlahBlahWoofWoof artist collective, which means he’s good. It also means I get to occasionally rub elbows with some amazing talent.

A few years back, Steve and I found that we co-write well together. I veer towards “clever” writing, goofy inline rhymes, and anything to get a story across. Steve’s a master musician, great with a great sense of melody, and he has a much more sensitive side than me.

When we first tried writing, I remember Steve saying, “I’d like to write songs that have fewer chords.” I said, “I can help”. 😉

kpig_hallwayOur first collaboration was “On Saturday and Sunday”, a contrast against playing in a bar on Saturday night and leading music in church the next morning. Steve and I both have much firsthand knowledge of that. We’ve written a few songs since, including “She’s More Connected” which appears on my new “Starlite Drive-In Saturday Night” CD.

At the 4/20 house concert, we’ll share the songs we’ve written together, and mix it up with both solo sets and a “mini-in-the-round” where we’ll play together. Hope you can join us. The show starts at 5:00 pm. Suggested donation on this is $15.00. For directions and more details, call 408-686-0374.

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